Don’t Drink the Water April 1 & 2, 2006
By: Woody Allen
(in alphabetical order)
- Nofar Arabov
- David Benlolo
- Natalie Cohen
- Jacob Elul
- Jeremy Goldstein
- Aidan Horowitz
- Dotan Horowitz
- Mor Levy
- Zach Rubin
- Brittany Stark
- Atara Stemp
- Danny Stemp
Lighting Design
F&S Lighting
Sound Design
L&M Sound
Make-up Design
Diane Archer Camhi
Set Design
Ross Zuckerman
Scenic Artist
Carl Dumicich
Technical Assistant
Menashe Wodinsky
House Mgr/GM of PR
David Zerykier
Operations Assistant
Jaclyn Hakim
Director of Operations
Jeremy Kaye
Assistant Director
Produced & Directed by
Yeeshai Gross