Little Shop of Horrors Summer 2015
Music By: Alan Menken
Book & Lyrics By: Howard Ashman
Based On The Film By: Roger Corman
Screenplay By: Charles Griffith
(in alphabetical order)
- Vivian Cohen
- Roberta Dweck
- Sophia Dweck
- Rochelle Hafif
- Joseph Hakim
- Ruthie Mavorah
- Ronnie Menashe
- Jennifer Salzman
- Shelley Shamah
- Jeanne Schrem
- Carol Tawil
- Daniel Tawil
- Danielle Tawil
Sound Design
L&M Sound
Lighting Design
F&S Lighting
Set Design
Director of Operations/Scenic Artist
Carl Dumicich
Make-up Design
Diane Archer Camhi
Audrey II Puppets
Character Translations Inc.
Assistant Director of Operations
Jack Mavorah
Operations Assistant
Ronnie Menashe
Creative Consultant
Jaclyn Bailey
Production Assistant
D’vora Biderman
Assistant Director/Producer
Marilyn Terzi
Fortune Abadi
Musical Director
Christina Blalock
Produced & Directed by
Yeeshai Gross